Updated preprint on quantifying biodiversity cost of food consumption / Feb 2025
We've uploaded a revised preprint on our ongoing work on quantifying the biodiversity cost of global food consumption, lead by Thomas Ball. This is based on the recently published LIFE metric, combined with supply chain data and provenance modeling. […196 words]
Updated preprint on LLMs for evidence-based decision support / Jan 2025
We have just updated our preprint on using LLMs for evidence decision support with more evaluation results and corrections from peer review.
Our findings suggest that, with careful domain-specific design, LLMs could potentially be powerful tools for enabling expert-level use of evidence syntheses and databases. However, general LLMs used "out-of-the-box" are likely to perform poorly and misinform decision-makers. By establishing that LLMs exhibit comparable performance with human synthesis experts on providing restricted responses to queries of evidence syntheses and databases, future work can build on our approach to quantify LLM performance in providing open-ended responses.
See also the fantastic EEG seminar talk that the student group who worked on this over the summer gave towards the end of last year.
Radhika Iyer, Alec Christie, Anil Madhavapeddy, Sam Reynolds, Bill Sutherland and Sadiq Jaffer.
Working paper at Research Square.
LIFE metric published in Royal Society Phil Trans B / Jan 2025
After some years of hard work, our Mapping LIFE on Earth biodiversity metric was published today in a special issue of the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B! The idea behind LIFE is that although human-driven habitat loss is known to be the greatest cause of the biodiversity crisis, we do not yet have robust spatially explicit metrics that quantify the relative impacts of human actions on species extinctions. And that's what LIFE provides: a way to compare the relative impacts of some landuse anywhere in the world, in a manner that is globally applicable. […409 words]
LIFE: A metric for mapping the impact of land-cover change on global extinctions
Alison Eyres, Thomas Ball, Michael Dales, Thomas Swinfield, Andy Arnell, Daniele Baisero, América Paz Durán, Jonathan Green, Rhys Green, Anil Madhavapeddy and Andrew Balmford.
Journal paper in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (vol 380 issue 1917).
Horizon scan on AI and conservation published / Dec 2024
Back in July 2024, a large group of conservation and computer scientists got together in the CCI to prioritise the storm of AI-related projects that have been kicking off around the world. Our key goal was to harness AI to accelerate the positive impact of conservation efforts, while minimising harm caused through either the direct or indirect use of AI technologies.
The first horizon scan resulting from this has just been published in Trends in Ecology and Evolution. If you're looking for a gentle introduction to some of the terms in AI from a non-experts perspective, the first section does a good job of defining a glossary as well. […118 words]
The potential for AI to revolutionize conservation: a horizon scan
Sam Reynolds, Sara Beery, Neil Burgess, Mark Burgman, Stuart Butchart, Steven J. Cooke, David A Coomes, Finn Danielsen, Enrico Di Minin, América Paz Durán, Francis Gassert, Amy Hinsley, Sadiq Jaffer, Julia P.G. Jones, Binbin V. Li, Oisin Mac Aodha, Anil Madhavapeddy, Stephanie O'Donnell, Bill Oxbury, Lloyd Peck, Nathalie Pettorelli, Jon Paul Rodríguez, Emily Shuckburgh, Bernardo Strassburg, Hiromi Yamashita, Zhongqi Miao and Bill Sutherland.
Journal paper in Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Cooperative Sensor Networks for Long-Term Biodiversity Monitoring / Dec 2024
Josh Millar and I have been having great fun designing embedded systems for cooperative biodiversity monitoring. Josh presented our work over at LOCO 2024 with an abstract on the Terracorder project. Read more if you enjoy a combination of machine learning and ESP32 hacking.
Presented poster at Sensys on low-power biodiversity monitoring / Nov 2024
Josh Millar presented our work on biodiversity sensing over at ACM Sensys 2024 in China. The full set of papers and demos has a range of impressive work on sensor networks, and some that stood out to me follow. […140 words]
Preprint on using LLMs to for evidence-based decision support / Nov 2024
We have just uploaded a preprint on using LLMs for conservation evidence, based on our work on large-scale crawling of the academic literature. Well done in particular to Radhika Iyer for having done the bulk of the evaluation on this as part of a very productive summer internship with us!
Radhika Iyer, Alec Christie, Anil Madhavapeddy, Sam Reynolds, Bill Sutherland and Sadiq Jaffer.
Working paper at Research Square.
Mapping greener futures with planetary computing / Oct 2024
I got invited by Sertaç Sehlikoglu to deliver a lecture to the Masters students down at the UCL Institute for Global Prosperity. I talked about the recent work on planetary computing, with an overview of the LIFE and FOOD papers.
Building species models of the planet / Sep 2024
I don't normally announce funded grants (preferring to focus on outcomes), but I'm really excited by this one and couldn't resist! Myself and my colleagues Srinivasan Keshav (from computer science), David A Coomes (from Plant Sciences), Andrew Balmford (from Zoology) and Neil Burgess (the Head of Science at UNEP-WCMC) have just received a £1.2m grant from the UKRI to work on building foundation models for planetary intelligence.
Now, normally a grant isn't news, but I wanted to highlight the scheme that it came under. UKRI announced an interdisciplinary program specifically for projects that don't normally get funded by just one research council. In our case, this work usually falls between the cracks of EPSRC ("too much nature") or NERC ("too much engineering") or STFC ("not enough satellites"). But this interdisciplinary program expressly assembled a panel across all these areas, and collectively gave us a shot. I really hope this scheme continues to gather steam within the UKRI.
As to what we're doing? There'll be the evolution of the work described in Remote Sensing of Nature and Mapping LIFE on Earth, with lots of domain knowledge that we're pulling together with our partners at UNEP-WCMC (especially Neil Burgess and Ian Ondo) on plant and animal species distributions across the globe. […339 words]
Nature Sustainability commentary on carbon and biodiversity credits / Aug 2024
Our commentary on nature-based credits has been published in Nature Sustainability, lead expertly by my colleagues Thomas Swinfield and Sophus zu Ermgassen.
In our view the carbon credits markets are vitally important for forest conservation, but the key is to only transact these credits after they have been proven to be demonstrably additional using robust statistical techniques, so that we know before a sale that each credit represents real gains that would not otherwise have occurred without the carbon finance.
A more scientific approach that supports transparent, third-party validation could absolutely transform these markets. And given the rapid rate of tropical forest loss, such upscaling of credibility is vitally necessary to raise investor confidence in protecting nature, since we can now be confident that every "credit" sold is resulting in real climate benefit. There are real questions remaining about this reform, of course. […509 words]
Preprint on Terracorder sensing now available / Aug 2024
Our preprint on the Terracorder ground sensing platform I've been working with Josh Millar at Imperial on is now available on arXiv. It's a heady combination of ESP32 very low power hardware, combined with Q-learning to build cooperative networks of them that can run for long periods of time without wasting energy on redundant operations.
Terracorder: Sense Long and Prosper
Josh Millar, Sarab Sethi, Hamed Haddadi and Anil Madhavapeddy.
Working paper at arXiv.
Nature Sustainability article on carbon/biodiversity credits / Aug 2024
Our commentary on nature-based credits has been published in Nature Sustainability. I wrote some thoughts about it here as well.
COMPASS 2024 report on the CoRE stack RIC meeting / Jul 2024
This is a trip report of ACM COMPASS 2024 held in New Delhi, which had a novel track of "Research to Impact Collaboratives" that drew me in. The general chair, Aadi Seth wrote a fantastic book on "Technology and Disempowerment" a few years ago, and he organised one RIC session on the CoRE Stack -- a climate adaptation stack for rural communities. This was a must-visit for me as it is closely related to the work we've been doing on Remote Sensing of Nature and Planetary Computing. The following notes are somewhat raw as they have only been lightly edited, but please refer to the more polished documents on the agenda for ACM COMPASS RIC and the overall CoRE Stack initiative on commoning technologies for resilience and equality
The conference itself was held at IIIT-D in New Delhi, right at the cusp of the monsoon season and after record-breaking temperatures. Luckily, as always, the hospitality and welcoming nature of New Delhi overrode all the climate discomfort! […4361 words]
Second preprint of the LIFE biodiversity metric available / Jul 2024
We have made an update to the LIFE biodiversity metric based on reviewer feedback, and are very please that it has been accepted for publication early next year as part of a special issue from the Royal Society. Any comments would be most welcome before we submit the final proofs in a few months.
LIFE: A metric for mapping the impact of land-cover change on global extinctions
Alison Eyres, Thomas Ball, Michael Dales, Thomas Swinfield, Andy Arnell, Daniele Baisero, América Paz Durán, Jonathan Green, Rhys Green, Anil Madhavapeddy and Andrew Balmford.
Journal paper in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (vol 380 issue 1917).
Speaking at CCI workshop on conservation evidence / Jun 2024
Bill Sutherland organised a workshop at the CCI on how to bring about an Effectiveness Revolution for transforming conservation into an evidence-driven discipline.
The aim was to discuss the "Evidence Emergency" (The Wildlife Trusts' term), the urgent need to embed evidence into decision-making and to create additional evidence to fill the considerable gaps in the evidence base, to improve conservation practice.
I gave a talk about our early results with the conservation copilots work.
Displaying the 15 most recent news items out of 32 in total (see all the items).