/ Research / Trusted Carbon Credits

Summary. The Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits is an initiative I started with Andrew Balmford, David Coomes, Srinivasan Keshav and Thomas Swinfield, aimed at issuing trusted and verifiable carbon credits towards the prevention of nature destruction due to anthropogenic actions. We are using a combination of large-scale data processing (satellite and and sensor networks) and decentralised Tezos smart contracts to build a carbon marketplace with verifiable transactions that link back to trusted primary observations.

In around 2019 Srinivasan Keshav joined the Cambridge Computer Lab from Waterloo, and we got chatting about ways that computer science could be applied to helping our colleagues in conservation with their quest to improve nature-based solutions (both deforestation and rewilding efforts). We wrote down our initial thoughts with some colleagues in How Computer Science Can Aid Forest Restoration and ran a summer UROP set of projects (writeups here) which had to be done remotely due to the 2020 lockdown.

Later during the pandemic, Srinivasan Keshav and I joined up with Andrew Balmford from Zoology and David A Coomes and Thomas Swinfield from Plant Sciences and the Cambridge Conservation Institute to establish a centre dedicated to combining classic topics from computer science (big data processing, reproducible computation and distributed consensus) to the pressing problem of issuing trusted and verifiable carbon credits towards the prevention of nature destruction due to anthropogenic actions. Our centre was announced later in 2021 officially.

Relevant Ideas

Relevant Papers

[»] Mitigating risk of credit reversal in nature-based climate solutions by optimally anticipating carbon release
E.-Ping Rau, James Gross, David A Coomes, Thomas Swinfield, Anil Madhavapeddy, Andrew Balmford and Srinivasan Keshav
Journal paper in Carbon Management (vol 15 issue 1), Dec 2024
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[»] PACT Tropical Moist Forest Accreditation Methodology v2.1
Andrew Balmford, David A Coomes, Michael Dales, Patrick Ferris, James Hartup, Sadiq Jaffer, Srinivasan Keshav, Miranda Lam, Anil Madhavapeddy, Robin Message, E.-Ping Rau, Thomas Swinfield, Charlotte Wheeler and Abby Williams
Working paper at Cambridge Open Engage, Aug 2024
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[»] Nature-based credit markets at a crossroads
Thomas Swinfield, Siddarth Shrikanth, Joseph Bull, Anil Madhavapeddy and Sophus zu Ermgassen
Journal paper in Nature Sustainability, Aug 2024
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[»] LIFE: A metric for quantitatively mapping the impact of land-cover change on global extinctions
Alison Eyres, Thomas Ball, Michael Dales, Thomas Swinfield, Andy Arnell, Daniele Baisero, América Paz Durán, Jonathan Green, Rhys Green, Anil Madhavapeddy and Andrew Balmford
Working paper at Cambridge Open Engage, Jul 2024
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[»] Global, robust and comparable digital carbon assets
Sadiq Jaffer, Michael Dales, Patrick Ferris, Thomas Swinfield, Derek Sorensen, Robin Message, Srinivasan Keshav and Anil Madhavapeddy
In proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, Apr 2024
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[»] Realizing the social value of impermanent carbon credits
Andrew Balmford, Srinivasan Keshav, Frank Venmans, David A Coomes, Ben Groom, Anil Madhavapeddy and Thomas Swinfield
Journal paper in Nature Climate Change (vol 13 issue 11), Nov 2023
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[»] Credit credibility threatens forests
Andrew Balmford, Pedro H. S. Brancalion, David A Coomes, Ben Filewod, Ben Groom, Alejandro Guizar-Coutiño, Julie PG Jones, Srinivasan Keshav, Andreas Kontoleon, Anil Madhavapeddy, Yadvinder Malhi, Erin O. Sills, Bernardo B. N. Strassburg, Frank Venmans, Thales West, Charlotte Wheeler and Thomas Swinfield
Journal paper in Science (vol 380 issue 6644), May 2023
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[»] How Computer Science Can Aid Forest Restoration
Gemma Gordon, Amelia Holcomb, Tom Kelly, Srinivasan Keshav, Jon Ludlam and Anil Madhavapeddy
Working paper at arXiv, Aug 2021
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Relevant Talks

Leveraging Scientific Innovation and AI to Scale Carbon Markets on 7th Mar 2023. On stage with Mantle Labs discussing carbon credits. Part of the Trusted Carbon Credits project.

Financing Forests: A Credible Approach towards Halting Tropical Deforestation on 16th Nov 2022. Cambridge Computer Lab Wednesday seminar on tropical deforestation. Part of the Trusted Carbon Credits project.

News Updates

Sep 2024. «» Discuss the NbS risks paper.
Aug 2024. «» Comment on nature-based credits published in Nature Sustainability / «» Discussion on the nature-based credits article / «» Tropical Moist Forest v2.1 specification released / «» Paper on ex-ante projection for nature-based solutions.
Jul 2024. «» LIFE biodiversity paper accepted for publication later this year.
Apr 2024. «» Paper on smart contracts for carbon credits at ICBC 2024 in Dublin.
Mar 2024. «» Preprint on forecasting nature based project risk.
Dec 2023. «» Tropical Moist Forest v2.0 specification.
Nov 2023. «» Preprint on new LIFE metric for global biodiversity / «» Paper on valuing impermanent carbon credits at Nature Climate Change, with cam.ac.uk coverage.
Jul 2023. «» Preprint of paper on valuing impermanent carbon credits.
Jun 2023. «» Published Tropical Moist Forest v1.0 specification.
May 2023. «» Perspective in Science on carbon credits credibility.
Mar 2023. «» Discussion with Mantle Labs about carbon credits.
Nov 2022. «» Wednesday seminar on financing forests using carbon credits.
May 2022. «» Quoted in Vox article on carbon credits.
Sep 2021. «» Started maintaining (sporadically) a note on a forest preservation and restoration bibliography.
Aug 2021. «» Preprint about our working notes on how CS might contribute to forest preservation.