Trusted Carbon Credits
With the recent controversies over low-integrity carbon credits, I spoke to Vox magazine about my skepticism about Adam Neumann's new startup.
"The problem with the current markets is nothing to do with how we can trade these more effectively," said Anil Madhavapeddy, who is an associate professor of computer science and technology at Cambridge University and the director of the Cambridge Center for Carbon Credits. "We just do not have enough supply." -- Vox
The Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits is an initiative I started with Andrew Balmford, David A Coomes, Srinivasan Keshav and Thomas Swinfield, aimed at issuing trusted and verifiable carbon credits towards the prevention of nature destruction due to anthropogenic actions. We researched a combination of large-scale data processing (satellite and and sensor networks) and decentralised Tezos smart contracts to design a carbon marketplace with verifiable transactions that link back to trusted primary observations. […230 words]