/ Papers / How Computer Science Can Aid Forest Restoration
Working paper at arXiv, Aug 2021
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Abstract. The world faces two interlinked crises: climate change and loss of biodiversity. Forest restoration on degraded lands and surplus croplands can play a significant role both in sequestering carbon and re-establishing bio-diversity. There is a considerable body of research and practice that addresses forest restoration. However, there has been little work by computer scientists to bring powerful computational techniques to bear on this important area of work, perhaps due to a lack of awareness. In an attempt to bridge this gap, we present our vision of how techniques from computer science, broadly speaking, can aid current practice in forest restoration.

Authors. Gemma Gordon, Amelia Holcomb, Tom Kelly, Srinivasan Keshav, Jon Ludlam and Anil Madhavapeddy

See Also. This publication was part of my Trusted Carbon Credits project.

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Sep 2024. «» Discuss the NbS risks paper.
Aug 2024. «» Discussion on the nature-based credits article.
Mar 2023. «» Discussion with Mantle Labs about carbon credits.
Nov 2022. «» Wednesday seminar on financing forests using carbon credits.
May 2022. «» Quoted in Vox article on carbon credits.
Sep 2021. «» Started maintaining (sporadically) a note on a forest preservation and restoration bibliography.
Aug 2021. «» Preprint about our working notes on how CS might contribute to forest preservation.