home Anil Madhavapeddy, Professor of Planetary Computing  

Added a caching subsystem to Horde / Aug 2001

While hacking on making Chora performant enough to work as the official PHP CVS web-viewer, I added in a general caching subsystem into the Horde PHP framework. Do let me know if you end up finding a use for it in your own applications.

Add in a Cache framework for persistent storage and retrieval of cached objects. Consider it experimental for now.

Basically works for Chora's needs ... implements a filesystem driver which tries to act sensibly (writes to a tmp file, then does an atomic rename to the cache object), to avoid synchronization issues.

It does not cleanup the cached repository at the moment - needs to have a garbage collection function done at some point.

-- Anil Madhavapeddy  

# 20th Aug 2001   iconnotes email horde php storage

Chora now the production CVS viewer for PHP (via Horde) / Aug 2001

I spent a chunk of time through the year working on the Horde project. I began when I got commit to IMP webmail to fix some bugs in the MIME rendering for our Recoil deployment. You can see my code commits on the horde-cvs mailing list archive.

After getting to grips with the PHP code, I then went on to totally rewrite the Chora version control viewer so that the CVS repositories for Horde could be browsed online instead of only via the command line.

I'm extremely proud to report that the PHP project has now deployed Chora for production use to serve up cvs.php.net, making it our biggest user by far. Thanks for making my day, Rasmus!

I switched Chora over to be the default web cvs system behind cvs.php.net now. The old viewcvs site is still available at viewcvs.php.net (dns may not have updated yet) -- Rasmus Lerdorf, php.net  

# 5th Aug 2001   iconnotes email horde php recoil selfhosting web

Added internationalisation to the Chora viewer / Aug 2001

One of the coolest things about hacking on the Horde framework is that it gives me lots of features for free that I can use in my web applications. The latest thing I added to the Chora CVS viewer today is the internationalisation framework, so that the frontend can be translated to multiple languages.

I've added in a simple German translation to start with, but please contribute your own strings if you get the opportunity.  

# 3rd Aug 2001   iconnotes cvs horde php

I am now a core PHP developer / Jan 2001

I've been maintaining PHP on OpenBSD for a while now, including the core package distributed as binary packages.

So as of today, the core team has decided I'm trustworthy enough to have my own commit bit to the central PHP repository, where I can commit code fixes and also maintain the OpenBSD on PHP official instructions. You can contact me on avsm@php.net if you need any help!  

# 9th Jan 2001   iconnotes horde openbsd opensource php

I'm now a Horde core team member / Oct 2000

After contributing some patches, I've now got the honour of becoming a core team member of the Horde project. Many thanks to Chuck Hagenbuch and Jon Parise for their trust in me!

I'm planning on fixing bugs in IMP and the webmail subsystem, and am getting interested in version control and CVS as well, so I'm going to look at Whups and Chora ore. You can follow my commits on the Horde-CVS commit archives, where I am avsm@horde.org!  

# 16th Oct 2000   iconnotes email horde opensource php