Chora now the production CVS viewer for PHP (via Horde) / Aug 2001
I spent a chunk of time through the year working on the Horde project. I began when I got commit to IMP webmail to fix some bugs in the MIME rendering for our Recoil deployment. You can see my code commits on the horde-cvs mailing list archive.
After getting to grips with the PHP code, I then went on to totally rewrite the Chora version control viewer so that the CVS repositories for Horde could be browsed online instead of only via the command line.
I'm extremely proud to report that the PHP project has now deployed Chora for production use to serve up
, making it our biggest user by far. Thanks for making my day, Rasmus!
I switched Chora over to be the default web cvs system behind now. The old viewcvs site is still available at (dns may not have updated yet) -- Rasmus Lerdorf,