home Anil Madhavapeddy, Professor of Planetary Computing  

Added a caching subsystem to Horde / Aug 2001

While hacking on making Chora performant enough to work as the official PHP CVS web-viewer, I added in a general caching subsystem into the Horde PHP framework. Do let me know if you end up finding a use for it in your own applications.

Add in a Cache framework for persistent storage and retrieval of cached objects. Consider it experimental for now.

Basically works for Chora's needs ... implements a filesystem driver which tries to act sensibly (writes to a tmp file, then does an atomic rename to the cache object), to avoid synchronization issues.

It does not cleanup the cached repository at the moment - needs to have a garbage collection function done at some point.

-- Anil Madhavapeddy

# 20th Aug 2001   iconnotes email horde php storage