Using effect handlers for efficient parallel scheduling
This is an idea proposed in 2022 as a Cambrige Computer Science Part III or MPhil project, and has been completed by Bartosz Modelski. It was supervised by Anil Madhavapeddy.
Modern hardware is so parallel and workloads are so concurrent, that there is no single, perfect scheduling strategy across a complex application software stack. Therefore, there are significant performance advantages to be gained from customizing and composing schedulers.
Multicore parallelism is here to stay, and in contrast with clock frequency increases, schedulers have to be carefully crafted in order to take full advantage of horizontal scaling of the underlying architecture. That’s because designs need to evolve as synchronization primitives such as locks or atomics do not scale endlessly to many cores, and a naive work stealing scheduler that may have been good enough on 16-thread Intel Xeon in 2012 will fail to utilize all 128 threads of a contemporary AMD ThreadRipper in 2022. Modern high-core architectures also feature non-uniform memory and so memory latency patterns vary with the topology. Scheduling decisions will benefit from taking mem- ory hierarchy into account. Moreover, the non-uniformity also appears also in consumer products such as Apple M1 or Intel Core i7-1280P. These highlight two sets of cores in modern architectures: one optimized for performance and another one for efficiency.
This project uses the experimental multicore OCaml extension to explore concurrent scheduling on multicore hardware, using library schedulers. Common programming languages either include threading support, which is tightly coupled with the language itself, or offer no support and, thus, library-schedulers cannot offer much beyond simply running scheduled functions in some order. OCaml, on the other hand, features fibers and effects. Together, they allow writing a direct style, stack-switching scheduler as a library. Further, OCaml allows composing schedulers -- a much-needed mechanism for executing diverse workloads with portions having different optimization criteria.
The project was successfully concluded. To validate the hypothesis, it developed several practical userspace schedulers and extended them with a number of work distribution methods. The code was written in OCaml with multicore support, which features a novel effects-based approach to multithreading. Most importantly, it decoupled lightweight threading from the runtime and lets user compose schedulers. The evaluation involved several real-world benchmarks executed on up to 120 threads of a dual-socket machine with two AMD EPYC 7702 processors.
The results showed that scaling applications to high core counts is non-trivial, and some classic methods such as work stealing do not provide optimal performance. Secondly, different scheduling policies have a profound impact on the throughput and latency of specific benchmarks, which justifies the need to compose schedulers for heterogeneous workloads. Further, a composition of schedulers in a staged architecture was shown to provide better tail latency than its components. Moreover, the performance of the scheduler developed in this project was shown to improve over the existing default Multicore OCaml scheduler - Domainslib. Finally, the results put in question a common design of overflow queue present in e.g., Go and Tokio (Rust).
Read the full report PDF online, and see the notebooks associated with the experiments here.
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- OCaml Labs / Jan 2012