/ Papers / Tiscali: How to build a Content Delivery Network
Technical report (TR-3152) at NetApp, Apr 2002
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Abstract. This document is aimed at those interested in building a content delivery network to enable the distribution and delivery of rich media over wide area networks, such as the Internet or corporate WANs. It considers a specific large event—the streaming of a U2 concert across Europe. After studying this document, the reader should: (i) Recognize the challenges associated with large-scale content distribution (ii) Realise the inherent benefits in caching and edge delivery of content (iii) Understand how to construct such a network to solve their own business needs

Authors. Anil Madhavapeddy and Alberto Crivelli

See Also. This publication was part of my project.

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Apr 2002. «» Technical report on setting up CDN for streaming U2 across Europe.