Cooperative Sensor Networks for Long-Term Biodiversity Monitoring
Josh Millar, Sarab Sethi, Hamed Haddadi, Michael Dales and Anil Madhavapeddy.
Abstract in the 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing.
We introduce Terracorder, a prototype multi-sensor device that uses collaborative on-device scheduling to improve its resource usage and extend its lifetime. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiver- sity Framework sets ambitious targets for 2030, including entirely halting human-induced species extinctions. Achieving these re- quires comprehensive data on global biodiversity patterns, which can only be obtained through in-situ distributed sensor networks. However, these multi-device networks are constrained by battery lifetimes, must gather rich data from power-hungry sensors, and yet need to be deployed in remote environments for long periods. Terracorder offers a low-carbon approach to long-term biodiversity monitoring, facilitating comprehensive data collection at minimal environmental impact.