/ Papers / Nature-based credit markets at a crossroads
Journal paper in Nature Sustainability, Aug 2024
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Abstract. Continuing to produce nature-based credits using dubious accounting methodologies will yield limited carbon and biodiversity gains. Establishing scientific credibility unlocks the potential of credits to meaningfully contribute to targets of the Paris and Kunming-Montreal agreements.

Authors. Thomas Swinfield, Siddarth Shrikanth, Joseph Bull, Anil Madhavapeddy and Sophus zu Ermgassen

See Also. This publication was part of my Trusted Carbon Credits and Mapping LIFE on Earth projects.

Previous Revisions. There are also earlier revisions of this paper available below. Please cite only the latest version of the paper above where possible.

(Older v3) Nature-based credit markets at a crossroads
Thomas Swinfield, Siddarth Shrikanth, Joseph Bull, Anil Madhavapeddy and Sophus zu Ermgassen
Working paper at Cambridge Open Engage, May 2024
URL   BibTeX   DOI  

(Older v2) Nature-based credit markets at a crossroads
Thomas Swinfield, Siddarth Shrikanth, Joseph Bull, Anil Madhavapeddy and Sophus zu Ermgassen
Working paper at Cambridge Open Engage, Dec 2023
URL   BibTeX   DOI  

(Older v1) Nature-based credit markets at a crossroads
Thomas Swinfield, Siddarth Shrikanth, Joseph Bull, Anil Madhavapeddy and Sophus zu Ermgassen
Working paper at Cambridge Open Engage, Dec 2023
URL   BibTeX   DOI  

News Updates

Sep 2024. «» New project on building species models of the whole planet / «» Discuss the NbS risks paper.
Aug 2024. «» Comment on nature-based credits published in Nature Sustainability / «» Discussion on the nature-based credits article.
Jul 2024. «» Chaired session at ACM COMPASS 2024 and attended CoRE stack RIC.
Mar 2023. «» Discussion with Mantle Labs about carbon credits.
Nov 2022. «» Wednesday seminar on financing forests using carbon credits.
May 2022. «» Quoted in Vox article on carbon credits.
Sep 2021. «» Started maintaining (sporadically) a note on a forest preservation and restoration bibliography.