/ Papers / Cost, Performance & Flexibility in OpenFlow: Pick three
In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun 2012
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Abstract. OS virtualization and cloud computing have radically changed the way Internet services are deployed: enterprises share third-party datacenters, deploying existing applications with minimal changes. Recent measurements reveal a lack of traffic isolation capabilities within the datacenter with network performance exhibiting high variability. We advocate addressing this problem by allowing applications to express their own forwarding logic using OpenFlow to achieve application specific optimal performance. We present an OpenFlow implementation within the Mirage application synthesis framework, in the form of library implementations of a modular controller and an extensible OpenFlow-enabled switch, able to expose the underlying network infrastructure to cloud applications. By linking into the application, this provides a safe yet highly extensible framework for programming network control that, although unoptimised, still provides reasonable performance when compared with existing controllers.

Authors. Charalampos Rotsos, Richard Mortier, Anil Madhavapeddy, Balraj Singh and Andrew W. Moore

See Also. This publication was part of my Unikernels project.

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Feb 2020. «» Delivered the distinguished seminar series at St Andrews on rebuilding Operating Systems with functional principles / «» Part 2 / «» Part 3.
Oct 2016. «» DockerCon talk on unikernels and MirageOS.
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May 2016. «» Announced HyperKit, VPNKit and DataKit for the Docker ecosystem.
Jan 2016. «» Announced that Unikernel Systems is now part of Docker.
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Nov 2014. «» New Directions in Operating Systems talk on Jitsu.
Oct 2014. «» At the Xen Summit speaking about branch consistency for Xen Stub Domains.
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Jul 2014. «» Announced the release of MirageOS 1.2, and a roadmap towards MirageOS 2.0 / «» Announced the long-awaited release of MirageOS 2.0 / «» Appeared on FLOSS Weekly 302 about Open Mirage.
May 2014. «» Appeared on SE Radio Episode 204 about Mirage and OCaml.
Jan 2014. «» Note on the discussions around my recent CACM article on unikernels.
Nov 2013. «» MirageOS and XAPI project update at XenSummit / «» Note on integrating Docker and opam more effectively.
Jul 2013. «» Mirage Developer Preview 1 screencast.
Oct 2012. «» Discussing how we disaggregated MirageOS into opam packages.
Sep 2012. «» Note on how to build XenStore stub domains using MirageOS.
Jun 2012. «» Paper on using MirageOS for better SDN infrastructure with OpenFlow.
Feb 2012. «» Note on using ARM Dreamplugs with OCaml published.
Oct 2011. «» At the OCaml Meeting 2011 speaking about MirageOS.
Sep 2011. «» Liveblog on the talks at CUFP 2011.
Jun 2011. «» Note discussing an OCaml interface to our new CIEL dataflow engine / «» Published a note on delimited continuations vs Lwt in OCaml for MirageOS.
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Jun 2010. «» At HotCloud for the first talk about MirageOS.