I have been a Fellow at Pembroke College since 2015 and am the Director of Studies for Computer Science there. I have taught the following courses at the Cambridge Computer Laboratory. I'm also a regular Part II project checker and have overseen many project ideas.
- 2024–2025: 1A Software and Security Engineering
- 2024-2025: II Cloud Computing
- 2024–2025: 1A Foundations of Computer Science (notes)
- 2023–2024: 1B Concepts in Programming Languages
- 2023–2024: 1A Software and Security Engineering (covering for Ross Anderson)
- 2023–2024: 1A Foundations of Computer Science (notes)
- 2022–2023: 1A Foundations of Computer Science (notes)
- 2022-2023: II Cloud Computing
- 2022-2023: 1B Concepts in Programming Languages
- 2021–2022: 1A Foundations of Computer Science (notes)
- 2019–2020: 1A Foundations of Computer Science
- 2019–2020: II Cloud Computing
- 2018–2019: II Cloud Computing
- 2018–2019: 1B Concurrent and Distributed Systems
- 2015–2016: 1B Programming in C and C++
- 2014–2015: 1A Operating Systems (3 lectures)
- 2014–2015: 1B Programming in C and C++
- 2012–2013: 1B Concurrent and Distributed Systems