What is an Operating System? (via Signals and Threads) / Nov 2021
I am the latest person to feature on the first season of the Signals and Threads podcast hosted by Yaron Minsky (you may recognise him as my co-author on Real World OCaml).
Anil Madhavapeddy is an academic, author, engineer, entrepreneur, and OCaml aficionado. In this episode, Anil and Ron consider the evolving role of operating systems, security on the internet, and the pending arrival (at last!) of OCaml 5.0. They also discuss using Raspberry Pis to fight climate change; the programming inspiration found in British pubs and on Moroccan beaches; and the time Anil went to a party, got drunk, and woke up with a job working on the Mars Polar Lander. -- Signals and Threads
I think I might be the first non- Jane Street person to be on their podcast! Quite the honour.