This note was published on 26th Mar 2014.

I noticed an offhand tweet from Phil Tomson about Codio adding OPAM support, and naturally had to take a quick look. I was really impressed by the whole process, and ended up building the Mirage Xen website unikernel directly from my web browser in less than a minute, including registration!

I notice Codio supports OCaml and opam on the server side now. — phil tomson (@philtor) March 26, 2014

$ parts install opam
$ opam init -a
$ eval `opam config env`
$ opam install mirage-www -y
$ make MODE=xen

Then have a cup of coffee while the box builds, and you have a mir-www.xen, all from your web browser! Codio has a number of deployment options available too, so you should be able to hook up a Git-based workflow using some combination of Travis or other CI service.

This is the first time I’ve ever been impressed by an online editor, and might consider moving away from my beloved vi...