home Anil Madhavapeddy, Professor of Planetary Computing  

Founded Tarides and looking to hire OCaml hackers (via OCaml) / Mar 2018

I'm delighted to report that I'm helping my long-time collaborator Thomas Gazagnaire to return to his OCaml roots from Docker. He has just founded Tarides, a startup in Paris with the goal of advancing the open source OCaml ecosystem.

Founded in Paris in early 2018, Tarides helps developers and companies build secure, performant and resource-efficient network and storage services. We are using MirageOS to run applications without the overhead of a traditional operating system and Irmin to create scalable distributed applications. Tarides offers commercial support and commercial development services for companies interested to run MirageOS or Irmin as part of their technology stack. -- Thomas Gazagnaire  

# 2nd Mar 2018   iconnotes france ocaml opensource startups

Unikernel Systems is now part of Docker / Jan 2016

Announced that Unikernel Systems is now part of Docker

# 21st Jan 2016   icontalks iconvideos docker startups unikernels

Unikernel Systems acquired by Docker (via The New Stack) / Jan 2016

My startup Unikernel Systems was acquired by Docker, and I'll be joining and setting up a UK branch of Docker along with the rest of my team.

'Just like we did with containers, we are interested is democratizing that technology, making it available and useful to the millions of developers and IT pros out there, said Solomon Hykes, founder and chief technology officer for Docker. 'Unikernels allow you to basically get rid of the operating system, and instead compile into the application the small bits of the operating system it really needs.' -- The New Stack   […111 words]

# 21st Jan 2016   iconnotes docker opensource startups unikernels

Cellphone as a virtual mouse/keyboard (via Slashdot) / May 2004

The SpotCode cellphone software was spun out into a startup called High Energy Magic Ltd, and was covered on Slashdot.

Check this out! High Energy Magic have announced a public beta of software to let you use your camera-phone as a physical mouse by just pointing and clicking and rotating it in the air.

There were also articles on DeviceForge that were picked up by quite a few outlets.

Update: You can see some of the videos under Ubiquitous Interaction Devices as well.  

# 27th May 2004   iconnotes mobile spotcodes startups ubicomp