home Anil Madhavapeddy, Professor of Planetary Computing  

Reverse emulating agent-based models for policy simulation

This is an idea proposed in 2023 as a Cambrige Computer Science Part III or MPhil project, and has been completed by Pedro Sousa. It was supervised by Anil Madhavapeddy and Sadiq Jaffer.

Governments increasingly rely on simulation tools to inform policy design. Agent-based models (ABMs) simulate complex systems to study the emergent phenomena of individual behaviours and interactions in agent populations. However, these ABMs force an iterative, time-consuming, unmethodical parameter tuning of key policy "levers" (or input parameters) to steer the model towards the envisioned outcomes. To unlock a more natural workflow, this project investigates reverse emulation, a novel approach that streamlines policy design using probabilistic machine learning to predict parameter values that yield the desired policy outcomes.

Background reading


See Also

This project was a followup to one in the previous year by Sharan Agrawal on Scalable agent-based models for optimized policy design.

# 1st Jan 2023   iconideas abm ai climate idea-done idea-hard policy

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# 1st Jan 2022   iconideas abm ai award biodiversity idea-done idea-hard policy