/ Research / Unikernels

Summary. I proposed the concept of "unikernels" -- single-purpose appliances that are compile-time specialised into standalone bootable kernels, and sealed against modification when deployed to a cloud platform. In return they offer significant reduction in image sizes, improved efficiency and security, and reduce operational costs. I also co-founded the MirageOS project which is one of the first complete unikernel frameworks, and also integrated them to create the Docker for Desktop apps that are used by hundreds of millions of users daily.

While working on Personal Containers in late 2008, I had a need to run lots of distributed edge nodes holding personal data. The state of computer security is generally a disaster when it comes to leaving software unupgraded for even a few months, so building robust infrastructure that normal people could use was proving quite difficult. Meanwhile, my PhD research in building Functional Internet Services had constructed really viable prototypes of network protocols written in pure OCaml, and I'd previously used OCaml industrially in the Xen Hypervisor hypervisor to write lots of system management code.

The Early Days

All of these ideas came crashing together in late 2009 and I decided to have a go at putting together a complete OCaml-based operating system. The adventure began with grabbing the Xen mini-os and the C lwIP stack to provide networking and sqlite for persistent storage, and hacking for a few months until everything booted and was reasonably stable. I then convinced Thomas Gazagnaire (then at Inria) to help me with storage integration with OCaml in Dynamics for ML using Meta-Programming and we had a remarkably good prototype that we presented in Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud.

I wrote up my early thoughts on Multiscale not multicore: efficient heterogeneous cloud computing to describe this emerging idea of heterogenous cloud and edge computing combined into a single programming model. After realising that the prototype worked well, I started steadily removing C bindings (like lwIP) and replacing them with pure OCaml code all the way down to the VM Xen interface (e.g. like mirage-tcpip). These early heady days saw lots of prototypes and experimentation:

Building MirageOS and figuring out unikernels

One of the earliest decisions I made in MirageOS was to self-host as soon as possible. I registered openmirage.org in late 2009, and (joined by @mort and @djs55) we had a Xen-based website running in short order in 2010 (now mirage-www). A big boost to the project was winning a grant from the Verisign Infrastructure Awards, which was the first external validation that this thing might be of interest to other people. As my OCaml Labs group grew in the University, more intrepid hackers joined the group and started making MirageOS work properly.

A year of intense work in 2012 turned the prototype into a fully-fleshed out paper which got soundly rejected by the OSDI review committee as we hadn't identified what the core systems research contribution was (as opposed to the impressive programming work, which they acknowledged in the rejection). I'd just gone to visit Timothy Roscoe's group in ETH where they had been working on the Barrelfish multikernel OS, and the answer came right to me while in the pub with Jon Crowcroft. What MirageOS represented was a revival of the concept of library operating systems, but with the additional twist that it specialised the compilation into single-user mode. Thus, I settled on the term "unikernels" to describe this idea and rewrote the paper and duly published it in Unikernels: library operating systems for the cloud.

Publishing a major research paper in ASPLOS led to further momentum and interest:

MirageOS also gave us ideas for other top systems research, such as the filesystem verification idas in SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems (which I still intend to use for a proper POSIX compatibility layer on top of Irmin at some point), and FLICK: Developing and Running Application-Specific Network Services (to build domain-specific data processing platforms, something that I'm now working on in 2021 in Trusted Carbon Credits).

To Unikernel Systems and Docker

By this point, MirageOS was also a thriving open source community with regular IRC meetings and the beginning of hack retreats. There were several organisations using it, and the overall OCaml community started using some of our protocol implementations independently of the unikernel ideas. For example, the cohttp was something I rapidly hacked together for the ASPLOS deadline, but the Unix/Lwt/Async backends are now used in quite a few major systems (including within Jane Street, no less).

We had to deal with all this growth, as a university isn't the easiest place to have a very large group. In 2015, Balraj Singh (who had made huge contributions to the Mirage TCP/IP stack) Thomas Gazagnaire and myself founded Unikernel Systems along with Jeremy Yallop, Thomas Leonard, Magnus Skjegstad, Mindy Preston, Justin Cormack, David Sheets, Amir Chaudhry, and Dave Scott. After a fun few months pitching to west coast VCs in California (including fun chats with the likes of Jerry Yang), Peter Fenton from Benchmark convinced us to meet Solomon Hykes over at Docker. This conversation changed the course of our careers, as he shared his vision for the future of containerisation and how unikernels could fit in there.

A short set of negotiations later, and Unikernel Systems was acquired by Docker in 2016. We spent a very fun couple of years commercialising the technology and incorporating it into Docker for Desktop. Our work ended up shipping as Docker for Desktop which remains one of the most popular developer tools in the world, and I describe its architecture in this talk.

Unikernels in 2021

Our startup aside, the core development of MirageOS continued to be nicely distributed in several spinouts:

The wider industry also saw a number of interesting spinouts, as many other communities also latched on to the ideas of unikernels and began their own language-specific and domain-specific versions. I joined the advisory boards of IncludeOS (now sadly defunct) and Zededa (now thankfully going from strength to strength in edge computing) to help guide strategy and adoption outside of just MirageOS. Dr Pierre Oliver maintains a great list of unikernel papers where you can see the diversity and interest in unikernels. One of the most exciting implementations of a C-based unikernel can be found in Unikraft.

As for my interest in unikernels moving forward? My heart always remains in finding the intersection of safety and performance, which means I mostly pay attention to language-based approaches. MirageOS continues to thrive (particularly with the effect system being integrated into OCaml in 2022, which will really change the way we develop OCaml code for embedded systems). Since 2020, I've been investigating the application of DIFC to embedded infrastructure, for example via Snape: The Dark Art of Handling Heterogeneous Enclaves.

Relevant Ideas

Relevant Papers

[»] Real World OCaml: Functional Programming for the Masses
Anil Madhavapeddy and Yaron Minsky
Book published by Cambridge University Press, Oct 2022
URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Banyan: Coordination-Free Distributed Transactions over Mergeable Types
Shashank Shekhar Dubey, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Thomas Gazagnaire and Anil Madhavapeddy
In proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, Nov 2020
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] MirageOS 4: the dawn of practical build systems for exotic targets
Lucas Pluvinage, Romain Calascibetta, Rudi Grinberg and Anil Madhavapeddy
In proceedings of the OCaml Workshop 2019, Aug 2019
PDF   URL   BibTeX  

[»] Programming Unikernels in the Large via Functor Driven Development
Gabriel Radanne, Thomas Gazagnaire, Anil Madhavapeddy, Jeremy Yallop, Richard Mortier, Hannes Mehnert, Mindy Preston and Dave Scott
Working paper at arXiv, May 2019
URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] DaLi: Database as a Library
Gowtham Kaki, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Thomas Gazagnaire, Anil Madhavapeddy and Suresh Jagannathan
In 2nd Summit on Advances in Programming Languages (SNAPL), May 2017
PDF   BibTeX  

[»] FLICK: Developing and Running Application-Specific Network Services
Abdul Alim, Richard G. Clegg, Luo Mai, Lukas Rupprecht, Eric Seckler, Paolo Costa, Peter Pietzuch, Alexander L Wolf, Nik Sultana, Jon Crowcroft, Anil Madhavapeddy, Andrew W. Moore, Richard Mortier, Masoud Koleni, Luis Oviedo, Matteo Miliavacca and Derek McAuley
In 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 16), Jun 2016
PDF   URL   BibTeX  

[»] Declarative Foreign Function Binding Through Generic Programming
Jeremy Yallop, David Sheets and Anil Madhavapeddy
In the proceedings of Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS), Feb 2016
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Personal Data: Thinking Inside the Box
Amir Chaudhry, Jon Crowcroft, Heidi Howard, Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Hamed Haddadi and Derek McAuley
Journal paper in Aarhus Series on Human Centered Computing (vol 1 issue 1), Oct 2015
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems
Tom Ridge, David Sheets, Thomas Tuerk, Andrea Giugliano, Anil Madhavapeddy and Peter Sewell
In proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Oct 2015
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Not-Quite-So-Broken TLS
David Kaloper-Mersinjak, Hannes Mehnert, Anil Madhavapeddy and Peter Sewell
In 24th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 15), Aug 2015
PDF   URL   BibTeX  

[»] Jitsu: Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels
Anil Madhavapeddy, Thomas Leonard, Magnus Skjegstad, Thomas Gazagnaire, David Sheets, Dave Scott, Richard Mortier, Amir Chaudhry, Balraj Singh, Jon Ludlam, Jon Crowcroft and Ian Leslie
In 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 15), May 2015
PDF   URL   BibTeX   Video  

[»] Mergeable persistent data structures
Benjamin Farinier, Thomas Gazagnaire and Anil Madhavapeddy
In vingt-sixiemes Journees Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2015), Jan 2015
PDF   BibTeX  

[»] Raft Refloated: Do We Have Consensus?
Heidi Howard, Malte Schwarzkopf, Anil Madhavapeddy and Jon Crowcroft
Journal paper in ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review (vol 49 issue 1), Jan 2015
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Irminsule: a branch-consistent distributed library database
Thomas Gazagnaire, Amir Chaudhry, Jon Crowcroft, Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Dave Scott, David Sheets and Gregory Tsipenyuk
In the 4th ACM OCaml Users and Developers Workshop, Sep 2014
PDF   BibTeX  

[»] Using Dust Clouds to Enhance Anonymous Communication
Richard Mortier, Anil Madhavapeddy, Theodore Hong, Derek Murray and Malte Schwarzkopf
In security Protocols XVIII, Mar 2014
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Trevi: watering down storage hotspots with cool fountain codes
George Parisis, Toby Moncaster, Anil Madhavapeddy and Jon Crowcroft
In proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, Nov 2013
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Unikernels: Rise of the Virtual Library Operating System
Anil Madhavapeddy and Dave Scott
Journal paper in ACM Queue (vol 11 issue 11), Nov 2013
URL   BibTeX   DOI   Video  

[»] Lost in the Edge: Finding Your Way with DNSSEC Signposts
Charalampos Rotsos, Heidi Howard, David Sheets, Richard Mortier, Anil Madhavapeddy, Amir Chaudhry and Jon Crowcroft
In 3rd USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI 13), Aug 2013
PDF   URL   BibTeX  

[»] Unikernels: library operating systems for the cloud
Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Charalampos Rotsos, Dave Scott, Balraj Singh, Thomas Gazagnaire, Steven Smith, Steven Hand and Jon Crowcroft
In proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems, Mar 2013
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI   Video  

[»] Evolving TCP: how hard can it be?
Zubair Nabi, Toby Moncaster, Anil Madhavapeddy, Steven Hand and Jon Crowcroft
In proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on CoNEXT student workshop, Dec 2012
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Exploring Compartmentalisation Hypotheses with SOAAP
Khilan Gudka, Robert M Watson, Steven Hand, Ben Laurie and Anil Madhavapeddy
In 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, Sep 2012
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Programming the Xen cloud using OCaml
Dave Scott, Richard Sharp and Anil Madhavapeddy
In the 1st ACM OCaml Users and Developers Workshop, Sep 2012
PDF   BibTeX   Video  

[»] Cost, Performance & Flexibility in OpenFlow: Pick three
Charalampos Rotsos, Richard Mortier, Anil Madhavapeddy, Balraj Singh and Andrew W. Moore
In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun 2012
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Confidential carbon commuting: exploring a privacy-sensitive architecture for incentivising 'greener' commuting
Chris Elsmore, Anil Madhavapeddy, Ian Leslie and Amir Chaudhry
In proceedings of the First Workshop on Measurement, Privacy, and Mobility, Apr 2012
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] The case for reconfigurable I/O channels
Steven Smith, Anil Madhavapeddy, Christopher Smowton, Malte Schwarzkopf, Richard Mortier, Robert M Watson and Steven Hand
In rESoLVE workshop at ASPLOS, Mar 2012
PDF   BibTeX  

[»] Dynamics for ML using Meta-Programming
Thomas Gazagnaire and Anil Madhavapeddy
Journal paper in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (vol 264 issue 5), Jul 2011
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] Reconfigurable Data Processing for Clouds
Anil Madhavapeddy and Satnam Singh
In 2011 IEEE 19th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, May 2011
PDF   URL   BibTeX   DOI  

[»] CIEL: A universal execution engine for distributed data-flow computing
Derek G Murray, Malte Schwarzkopf, Christopher Smowton, Steven Smith, Anil Madhavapeddy and Steven Hand
In 8th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 11), Mar 2011
PDF   URL   BibTeX  

[»] Unclouded vision
Jon Crowcroft, Anil Madhavapeddy, Malte Schwarzkopf, Theodore Hong and Richard Mortier
In proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, Jan 2011
PDF   BibTeX  

[»] Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud
Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Ripduman Sohan, Thomas Gazagnaire, Steven Hand, Tim Deegan, Derek McAuley and Jon Crowcroft
In 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 10), Jun 2010
PDF   URL   BibTeX   Video  

[»] Multiscale not multicore: efficient heterogeneous cloud computing
Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Jon Crowcroft and Steven Hand
In proceedings of the 2010 ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science Conference, Apr 2010
PDF   URL   BibTeX  

Relevant Talks

Rebuilding Operating Systems with Functional Principles on 26th Feb 2020. Part 1 of my distinguished lecture series at St Andrews. Part of the Unikernels project.

The First Billion Real Deployments of Unikernels on 26th Feb 2020. Part 2 of my distinguished lecture series at St Andrews. Part of the Unikernels project.

Programming the Next Trillion Embedded Devices on 26th Feb 2020. Part 3 of my distinguished lecture series at St Andrews. Part of the Unikernels project.

Unikernels: the rise of the library hypervisor in MirageOS on 14th Oct 2016. At DockerCon. Part of the Unikernels project.

Ian Eyberg, Joshua Bernstein, Anil Madhavapeddy at OSCON in Austin on 6th Jun 2016. Speaking to Alex Williams of The New Stack. Part of the Unikernels project.

Unikernel Systems is now part of Docker on 21st Jan 2016. Announcing the acquisition of Unikernel Systems by Docker. Part of the Unikernels project.

Immutable Distributed Infrastructure with Unikernels on 29th Sep 2015. Invited talk at NetPL 2015 on immutable infrastructure. Part of the Unikernels project.

Unikernels: Functional Infrastructure with Mirage OS on 12th May 2015. At Esper's OCaml Meetup in California. Part of the Unikernels project.

BOB 2015 Keynote: Towards Functional Operating Systems on 23rd Jan 2015. Opening speaker at BOB 2015 on functional operating systems. Part of the Unikernels project.

Jitsu: Just-in-Time Summoning of Unikernels (new directions in operating systems) on 25th Nov 2014. Talking in London at New Directions in Operating Systems. Read more in Jitsu: Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels. Part of the Unikernels project.

MirageOS 2.0: branch consistency for Xen Stub Domains on 17th Oct 2014. At the Xen Summit explaining how Irmin+MirageOS can build stub domains for Xen hosts. Part of the Unikernels project.

Haskell Symposium 2014 Keynote on functional OS design on 5th Sep 2014. Me slightly nervously talking to a bunch of Haskellers about OCaml modules. Read more in Unikernels: library operating systems for the cloud. Part of the Unikernels project.

FLOSS Weekly 302: Open Mirage on 23rd Jul 2014. Randal Schwartz and Simon Phipps interview Anil Madhavapeddy about MirageOS on the FLOSS Weekly podcast (Episode 302). Part of the Unikernels project.

SE Radio Episode 204: Anil Madhavapeddy on the Mirage Cloud Operating System and the OCaml Language on 1st May 2014. I talk to Robert Blumen about OCaml and MirageOS on the Software Engineering Radio podcast. Part of the Unikernels project.

MirageOS and XAPI project update at XenSummit on 13th Nov 2013. Announcing the MirageOS 1.0 release at the Xen Summit 2013. Part of the Unikernels project.

Mirage Developer Preview 1 screencast on 26th Jul 2013. The MirageOS Developer Preview 1 screencast, showing how to initialise and build Unix and Xen kernels. Part of the Unikernels project.

OCaml Meeting 2011 - MirageOS on 19th Oct 2011. The OCaml Meeting 2011 talk on MirageOS in France, with full notes in Camel Spotting in Paris. Part of the Unikernels project.

Mirage: A New Multi-Scale Operating System for Clouds and Crowds (2014) on 25th Oct 2010. An early tech talk at LinkedIn on MirageOS. Part of the Unikernels project.

Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud on 22nd Jun 2010. The first outing for MirageOS at USENIX HotCloud 2010. Read more in Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud. Part of the Unikernels project.

News Updates

Oct 2022. «» The second edition of Real World OCaml available from Cambridge University Press!
Nov 2020. «» Paper on Banyan for coordination-free distributed transactions in ASPLAS 2020.
Feb 2020. «» Part 3 / «» Part 2 / «» Delivered the distinguished seminar series at St Andrews on rebuilding Operating Systems with functional principles.
Aug 2019. «» Paper on the MirageOS 4 build system at OCaml Workshop.
May 2019. «» Preprint on programming unikernels with ML modules.
May 2017. «» Position paper on building databases-as-a-library at SNAPL 2017.
Oct 2016. «» DockerCon talk on unikernels and MirageOS.
Jun 2016. «» Paper on application-specific network services at USENIX ATC 2016 / «» Interviewed by The New Stack at OSCON in Austin, Texas / «» Updated the MirageOS community about the 2016 hack retreat.
May 2016. «» Announced HyperKit, VPNKit and DataKit for the Docker ecosystem.
Feb 2016. «» Paper on declarative approaches to foreign function bindings at FLOPS 2016.
Jan 2016. «» Announced that Unikernel Systems is now part of Docker.
Oct 2015. «» Paper on formal specificaiton and testing of filesystems at SOSP 2015 / «» Paper on personal databoxes at the one-in-a-decade Aarhus conference.
Sep 2015. «» Invited talk at NetPL on Immutable Distributed Infrastructure with Unikernels.
Aug 2015. «» Paper on rebuilding TLS securely but practically at USENIX Security 2015.
May 2015. «» Paper on spinning up low-latency unikernels per-connection at NSDI 2015 / «» Talk at Esper on functional programming with unikernels.
Apr 2015. «» Updated the OCaml community on annual OCaml Labs activities for 2014.
Jan 2015. «» Paper on reproducing the raft consensus protocol / «» Paper on mergeable data structures using Irmin (nee Irminsule) at JFLA 2015 / «» Gave BOB 2015 keynote on functional Operating Systems.
Nov 2014. «» New Directions in Operating Systems talk on Jitsu.
Oct 2014. «» At the Xen Summit speaking about branch consistency for Xen Stub Domains.
Sep 2014. «» Paper at the OCaml Workshop on the Irmin database library / «» Gave Haskell Symposium 2014 Keynote on functional OS design.
Jul 2014. «» Announced the release of MirageOS 1.2, and a roadmap towards MirageOS 2.0 / «» Announced the long-awaited release of MirageOS 2.0 / «» Appeared on FLOSS Weekly 302 about Open Mirage.
May 2014. «» Appeared on SE Radio Episode 204 about Mirage and OCaml.
Mar 2014. «» Paper on building dust clouds for anonymous communication.
Jan 2014. «» Note on the discussions around my recent CACM article on unikernels.
Nov 2013. «» Article on the Communications of the ACM on unikernels is published / «» The 1st Edition of Real World OCaml by O'Reilly associates is released! / «» Paper on fountain coding for datacentre networking at HotNets 2013 / «» MirageOS and XAPI project update at XenSummit / «» Note on integrating Docker and opam more effectively.
Aug 2013. «» Paper on DNSSEC-based Signpost servers for better p2p communications at USENIX FOCI.
Jul 2013. «» Mirage Developer Preview 1 screencast.
Mar 2013. «» The first paper on unikernels is pubished at ASPLOS 2013.
Dec 2012. «» Paper on extending TCP in a backwards compatible way at CoNeXT 2013.
Oct 2012. «» Discussing how we disaggregated MirageOS into opam packages.
Sep 2012. «» Paper on programming the Xen cloud using OCaml at the OCaml Workshop / «» Paper on control flow analysis to break up applications into compartments / «» Note on how to build XenStore stub domains using MirageOS.
Jun 2012. «» Paper on using MirageOS for better SDN infrastructure with OpenFlow.
Apr 2012. «» Paper on our use of data lockers within Cambridge to incentivise more green commuting patterns.
Mar 2012. «» Paper on a new design for reconfigurable IO that copes with heterogenous software/hardware.
Feb 2012. «» Note on using ARM Dreamplugs with OCaml published.
Oct 2011. «» At the OCaml Meeting 2011 speaking about MirageOS.
Sep 2011. «» Liveblog on the talks at CUFP 2011.
Jul 2011. «» Published dyntype at the Workshop on Generative Technologies.
Jun 2011. «» Note discussing an OCaml interface to our new CIEL dataflow engine / «» Published a note on delimited continuations vs Lwt in OCaml for MirageOS.
May 2011. «» Paper on what a Xen+FPGA cloud would look like at FCCM.
Mar 2011. «» Paper on CIEL, a distributed dataflow engine, at USENIX NSDI 2011.
Jan 2011. «» Paper on a vision for a semi-federated cloud for personal data at ICDCN.
Oct 2010. «» Announced that the MirageOS website now self-hosted on MirageOS! / «» At LinkedIn giving tech talk about Mirage.
Jun 2010. «» Workshop paper on the early MirageOS architecture and evaluation at HotCloud 2010 / «» At HotCloud for the first talk about MirageOS.
Apr 2010. «» Paper on our vision for multiscale programming at the BCS Visions 2010 conference.