Prototyping carbon-aware domain name resolution
Ryan Gibb and I have been thinking about how the current Internet architecture fails to treat the carbon emissions associated with networked services as a first-class metric. So when the LOCO conference came up, we tried extending the DNS with load balancing techniques to consider the carbon cost of scheduling decisions. A next step was then to build a custom DNS server written in OCaml to actively wake machines running networked services as a side effect of the name resolution.
Extending DNS means that we maintain compatibility with existing Internet infrastructure, unlocking the ability for existing applications to be carbon-aware. This is very much a spiritual follow on to the Signposts project that I worked on back in 2013, and have always wanted to return to!
Ryan Gibb, Patrick Ferris and Anil Madhavapeddy.
Abstract in the 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing.