Paper on DNSSEC-based Signpost servers for better p2p communications at USENIX FOCI
Lost in the Edge: Finding Your Way with DNSSEC Signposts Charalampos Rotsos, Heidi Howard, David Sheets, Richard Mortier, Anil Madhavapeddy, Amir Chaudhry and Jon Crowcroft. Paper in the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI 13). URL ( BIB PDF
Lost in the Edge: Finding Your Way with DNSSEC Signposts
Charalampos Rotsos, Heidi Howard, David Sheets, Richard Mortier, Anil Madhavapeddy, Amir Chaudhry and Jon Crowcroft.
Paper in the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI 13).