Workshop paper on the early MirageOS architecture and evaluation at HotCloud 2010
Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Ripduman Sohan, Thomas Gazagnaire, Steven Hand, Tim Deegan, Derek McAuley and Jon Crowcroft. Paper in the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 10). URL ( BIB PDF
Turning Down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud
Anil Madhavapeddy, Richard Mortier, Ripduman Sohan, Thomas Gazagnaire, Steven Hand, Tim Deegan, Derek McAuley and Jon Crowcroft.
Paper in the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 10).